Unfortunately we cannot burn and mail you any of the content you have requested because we exclusively deliver CREW resources through our website. 

To access your CREW resources, just follow these instructions:

  1. Make sure you are a valid CREW member (It will say 'Trainee CREW' or 'Instructor CREW' at the top of the screen
  2. add all items to your cart, browse the resources here: http://www.bellyfit.com/crew/resources
  3. go to your checkout page: http://www.bellyfit.com/crew/cart/checkout
  4. click on 'pay now' 
  5. go to your library http://www.bellyfit.com/crew/library
  6. watch (stream) or download the choreography videos  OR download your music mixes and other resources

For music mixes, please refer to this how-to document:http://support.bellyfit.com/solution/categories/6000026941/folders/6000082828/articles/6000007109-how-to-use-music-from-crew-in-itunes